Refrigeration units for distribution vehicles

Distribution vehicles often make many deliveries during the working day. The refrigeration units must therefore be able to keep the cargo space refrigerated even though the doors are opened frequently.

Short distances and many deliveries are often the norm for a distribution vehicle driver. Dairy products and other foods have to be delivered on time to multiple customers, and the refrigeration unit must be able to quickly chill the goods being shipped. If you choose a hydraulic refrigeration unit, you will get a high refrigeration capacity as well as a reduction in costs and environmental impact. 

A distribution truck with a diesel unit that operates for 2,000 hours can earn over GBP 6,200 in reduced fuel costs over a period of one year when converted to a hydraulic unit. At the same time, CO2 emissions are reduced by 14 tons and particle emissions drop from 21 tons to just under 8 tons. Over a six-year period, the total savings could be more than GBP 35,000 for a distribution vehicle that converts to a hydraulic unit. This is because the vehicle’s engine is the only one needed to power the unit.

Accumulated savings

Accumulated savings in 6 years. Distribution vehicle with hydraulic TRU, cost-cut compared to diesel engine TRU. 2000 h runtime per year and a fuel consumption of 2.0 liters/TRU/hour.

Emission of particles

Source of information: Swedish Energy Agency 2019, 2019, The Swedish Transport Administration 2019, Thermoking 2019
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